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The Muhlenberg Weekly (1998)

"Construction worker arrested at C.A." (Dec. 17, 1998)

"Council considers Red Door options" (Dec. 10, 1998)

"College excavates to install academic building utilities" (Page 1 of 2; Dec. 10, 1998)

"College excavates to install academic building utilities" (Page 2 of 2; Dec. 10, 1998)

"Two new student clubs hit Muhlenberg campus" (Dec. 10, 1998)

"College looks to purchase student bar, Lupo's a possibility" (Dec. 10, 1998)

"A double play on words by The Eberts" (Dec. 10, 1998)

"Construction worker arrested at C.A." (Nov. 19, 1998)

"College blocks Liberty Street for Field House repairs" (Nov. 19, 1998)

"Seegers pipe cracks" (Nov. 12, 1998)

"Out with the old, in with the new" (Nov. 12, 1998)

"'Hangout' receives donation" (Nov. 5, 1998)

"Trees 'take fall' for new building" (Page 1 of 2; Nov. 5, 1998)

"Trees 'take fall' for new building" (Page 2 of 2; Nov. 5, 1998)

"College forges ahead" (Page 1 of 2; Oct. 28, 1998)

"College forges ahead" (Page 2 of 2; Oct. 28, 1998)

"College considers alternatives to alcohol" (Oct. 15, 1998)

"Sierra Club president cancels visit" (Oct. 8, 1998)

"Simplex readers stolen from East" (Oct. 8, 1998)

"Battle continues between Muhlenberg and city" (Page 1 of 2; Oct. 1, 1998)

"Battle continues between Muhlenberg and city" (Page 2 of 2; Oct. 1, 1998)

"Freshman minority students grouped together for housing" (Oct. 1, 1998)

"New athletic stadium poses problem with neighbors" (Sept. 17, 1998)

"Campus Safety packin' heat" (Sept. 10, 1998)

"Bomb scare in Trexler Library causes exacuation" (Sept. 10, 1998)

"A Muhlenberg year in review from A to Z" (May 17, 1998)

"College insignia linked to sweatshops" (Page 1 of 2; April 23, 1998)

"College insignia linked to sweatshops" (Page 2 of 2; April 23, 1998)

"'Action Jackson' wins prestigious national mathematics award" (April 23, 1998)

"College prepares to take ordinance to Supreme Court" (Page 1 of 2; April 16, 1998)

"College prepares to take ordinance to Supreme Court" (Page 2 of 2; April 16, 1998)

"We're in the money... We're in the money" (Page 1 of 2; April 9, 1998)

"We're in the money... We're in the money" (Page 2 of 2; April 9, 1998)

"College in 149th year: Sesquicentennial events rescheduled for 1998-99" (April 1, 1998)

"Lisa Ansorge voted student body president" (Page 1 of 2; March 26, 1998)

"Lisa Ansorge voted student body president" (Page 2 of 2; March 26, 1998)

"Will Smith slighted in 'Influences'" (March 26, 1998)

"Monks entice community with sand mandala" (Page 1 of 2; March 19, 1998)

"Monks entice community with sand mandala" (Page 2 of 2; March 19, 1998)

"Harrassment by communication on the rise" (Feb. 26, 1998)

"Muhlenberg community protests domestic violence" (Feb. 12, 1998)

"Delta Tau Delta fraternity soon to be chartered" (Feb. 5, 1998)

"Martin Art Gallery moving into the twenty-first century" (Feb. 5, 1998)

"Food committee makes progress, but seeks student ideas" (Jan. 29, 1998)

"Trumbower 130 gets a facelift during winter break" (Jan. 22, 1998)