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The Muhlenberg Weekly (2000)

"Ebert's goodbye" (May 4, 2000)

"Housing refutes rumors of shortage" (Page 1 of 2; May 4, 2000)

"Housing refutes rumors of shortage" (Page 2 of 2; May 4, 2000)

"Around Campus" (May 4, 2000)

"Library lethargy" (April 27, 2000)

"Jane Doe rape reported" (April 13, 2000)

"Taylor profiled in two national publications" (April 6, 2000)

"Student arrested for assault" (April 6, 2000)

"Around Campus" (April 6, 2000)

"College announces tuition hike for next year" (Page 1 of 2; March 23, 2000)

"College announces tuition hike for next year" (Page 2 of 2; March 23, 2000)

"Student presidential debate" (Page 1 of 2; Feb. 24, 2000)

"Student presidential debate" (Page 2 of 2; Feb. 24, 2000)

"Off Campus" (Feb. 17, 2000)

"Peeping-tom discovered in East Hall" (Feb. 10, 2000)

"Funds for regular allocations approved by Student Council for 15 organizations" (Feb. 10, 2000)

"IM basketball game results in fight; student hospitalized" (Feb. 10, 2000)

"Campus concerns" (Feb. 10, 2000)

"Campus Safety Notes" (Feb. 10, 2000)

"Around Campus" (Feb. 10, 2000)

"Alleged rape occurs off campus" (Feb. 3, 2000)

"Around Our Campus" (Feb. 3, 2000)

"Student found with possession of drugs" (Jan. 27, 2000)

"Campus Safety Notes" (Jan. 27, 2000)